Well, it’s been a very long time since I paid any attention to my blog!

Since my last post so much has happened and life has changed a lot!

First, as my previous post says, I went off to London and became somebody’s Nanna – and I LOVE it! My little baby Piglet was born in December in cold, pre-Christmas London and she is the most beautiful, most amazing thing ever.


After spending a too brief time adoring her, I left my gorgeous daughter and her fantastic husband to come back home for the family Christmas. Before I left I put up our Christmas tree with just Gold and Silver baubles …. when I got home I added lots and lots of PINK! Can’t find a photo right now, but it looked very pretty  🙂

As soon as the feast went down we moved into pre-wedding chaos. My London family arrived and my son married the love of his life in January. It was a beautiful day – everybody was there, everybody was happy and the sun shone on us all.


So during all that time, and all the time since (I can’t believe it’s September already!!) I have sadly neglected what I love doing most – exercising my creative side. It’s worth acknowledging that work has been frantic from March to July, but still, all I have done in months and months is three sets of ATC’s for my favourite bi-monthly swap, and two layouts….TWO!!!

The first ATC set was ”Baby Love” – my so sweet online friends celebrated with me and set the criteria for this swap to mirror my life  🙂 Each ATC had to have two things –  a heart and a frame. This was my set:



For the second set the theme was ”Cats”. Each ATC had to have a musical element and at least one cat. I came up with this one – inspired by the musical, my mixed media cat statue and my Venetian mask this is what I came up with:



The third and most recent swap was smaller, but I totally loved the theme, ”Alice in Wonderland”. This one needed to include a character from the book and a well known quote. I adore the white rabbit – such a philosopher  🙂 This was mine…just a single card this time – I forgot to photograph them all together, but they were all the same:


All these cards have elements from my2angels…sadly Tracy has had to close her online store, but she is still making gorgeous hand made embellishments and excellent mixed media scrapbooking kits. You can find her on Facebook: my2angels

My two layouts both feature Tracy’s handmade pretty embellishments. They also feature the beautiful Miss A…..she is growing up so fast!


And number two…the latest:



On this one I used a Chippie and Charm kit from Tracy…”Circles”. I also entered it for one of the Challenges over at CSI – Colour, Stories, Inspiration. A fantastic challenge website with awesome amounts of inspiration.




There have been other things keeping us busy lately too – important things, but they are sadder and I’d rather leave them in the background for now.

So – I think maybe, finally I’m back on track. I hope so. I just printed a cute photo of my hubbie’s (and mine too of course) Grandson Master R. CSI have another great challenge up that I may just have to enter  😉

Thanks for not forgetting me!!

Michele  🙂